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Welcome to my Blog
From my heart to yours... I hope you find bits of inspiration and power here. xx Jen

Jen Labesky
2 min read
Permission to rest
Listening to what WE need in any given moment and resting, regardless of what others think takes massive strength of character

Jen Labesky
2 min read
The Rewards of Honoring our needs in Training (& Life)
On February 4th I ran my sixth Algonquin 50k after weeks of exhaustion and burnout. My mileage in the weeks leading up to race day...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
New year Blahs?
While the beginning of a new year is an exciting time of opportunity for many people, not all of us feel the explosion of enthusiasm and...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
It's Not Your Job to Like Me
“It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine.” – Byron Katie This quote popped up as the daily quote on my Insight Timer app last week and I...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
Some People Won't Understand Us, and That's OK!
No one said chasing our dreams would be easy, and sometimes it just plain hurts. Some people won’t understand why we’re stepping outside...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
Our Passions Burn Brighter Than Our Fears
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back, because her...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
Who Cares What They Think
I recently had the chance to catch up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. After a few minutes, I could tell she had something heavy...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
Crush Your Comfort Zone
Let’s be honest. Deep inside, you’ve always known you're capable of great things. Even when times are hard, there’s a little voice inside...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
The next small step
I talk a lot about the power we all have inside us to achieve our wildest goals. Once we begin to feel this power, a raging fire ignites...

Jen Labesky
4 min read
STart BEFORE You're Ready
Hands down, the most powerful advice I ever received with regard to pursuing my dreams was this: Start before you’re ready. Those four...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
Failure is a Gift
Raise your hand if you love to fail! (ok me either) Seriously, no one ever gets out of bed and says, "Today's a great day to fail!" When...

Jen Labesky
3 min read
When Things Change
“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” – Mary Shelly Have you ever noticed that just when you’re...
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