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New year Blahs?

Jen Labesky

While the beginning of a new year is an exciting time of opportunity for many people, not all of us feel the explosion of enthusiasm and possibility every year.

I know I haven’t this new year. In fact, to my surprise, I’ve felt fatigued and unmotivated and just kind of blah.

There are many reasons why this can happen, but for me, after weeks of trying to figure out what was “wrong” with me, I realized that NOTHING is wrong.

My body, mind and soul just need time.

Time to rest.

Time to hibernate and turn inward.

Time to slumber with the rest of nature during the long winter months.

Time to nurture the soil for the seeds that will sprout so beautifully come springtime.

We can support this powerful process by focusing our energy inward, by spending this season of rest nourishing our body, mind and soul so when the seeds do finally sprout, we will be strong and centered.

And excited.

Running & fitness are a huge part of my life and discovering running 10 years ago has empowered me on so many levels.

But one thing I’ve learned is that we can’t expect seeds of strength to grow if we don’t tend the soil and respect what it needs in every season. If we ignore the quiet cues of our body, mind and soul, the fatigue and burnout will only grow stronger until we are FORCED to listen.

All this to say that there’s nothing wrong with you if you’re feeling the new year blahs like I am.

In fact, some people say that our bodies and souls naturally crave hibernation this time of year.

So you’re right on schedule!

If you’re feeling blah, take this time to let yourself off the hook, quiet your mind and listen to what you truly need. Prioritize yourself and your needs so you can sow the seeds that WILL sprout when the time is right.

And if you continue to truly listen throughout the coming weeks, you will FEEL when it's time. You will feel the energy and excitement return, and you will know that your soil is fortified and ready.

Fitness is more than just building physical strength and endurance, and in our private women’s community, TEAM GritChicks®️, we join each other in monthly challenges that go beyond the physical.

As my Valentine’s gift to you, I’d like to give you this sneak peek at our February TEAM challenge and invite you to join the TEAM if you feel drawn to it. We have the most authentic, supportive community of women who connect in our own private app (no social media required!) and we would love to have you join us. You can read more about TEAM GritChicks®️ here.

And if you want to take your self-care one step further, I invite you to join us at our upcoming GritChicks®️ Retreat in Bozeman, Montana. You can read about it here. (We have one spot left.)

As women, we naturally possess intuitive wisdom of what our body, mind and soul need, but we often get caught up in what the world says we “should” be doing, thinking and being. This is most obvious when we aren’t feeling the New Year buzz we think we "should" be feeling.

Consider this your sign, my friend, or your permission (if you struggle to let yourself slow down) - to stop and listen deeply to your body, mind and heart if you aren’t feeling the hype. There’s a reason why, and most likely it’s because your soil is depleted and just needs time, nourishment, and self-care right now so your seeds can grow when the time is right.

It’s natural.

It’s normal.

You're right on schedule.

xx Jen

p.s. If you know someone who needs this message right now, please share this with her.

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