“And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back, because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
-Mark Anthony
As women, we have many superpowers. We juggle countless things on a daily basis, and we carry so much on our backs. We put the needs of others ahead of our own, sacrificing our happiness for the happiness of those we love.
Our motives are selfless and come from a place of love, but there is a downside.
Over time, we can lose sight of our OWN passion and how incredibly important our OWN desires are. We subconsciously come to believe that honoring ourselves is selfish. We fear that if we prioritize ourselves, we’ll be judged and abandoned. We fear that if we go after what we truly want, we might fail and be criticized. Our fears mount, and little by little we begin to deny the spark even existed in the first place, because going after what sets our hearts on fire feels scarier than staying as we are.
Going after what sets our hearts on fire feels scarier than staying as we are.
I denied my passions for decades, believing I was unworthy of a fulfilling life, that to honor myself was selfish. And over time that spark inside me dimmed to the point where I almost forgot it was there. The nagging emptiness, feeling physically and emotionally drained and rudderless, putting up with treatment from others that made me feel “less than”… those feelings became my normal. And I assumed that anything more than that was for other people, people who were somehow more special than I was.
But every so often we are gifted with a reminder, a brief spike in that spark inside, reminding us that our passion has never left us… that little voice that’s been whispering inside of us all along, telling us we’re worth it, that we’re capable, that we’re limitless.
And once we catch even the slightest glimpse of that spark, once we FEEL it, even briefly, the little voice becomes louder and the spark begins to grow. The fears are still there, yes, but the feeling of our fierceness- the KNOWING we are worth it- gives us the strength to call bullshit on the fears, reclaiming our power to act in spite of our fear.
The feeling of our fierceness- the KNOWING we are worth it- gives us the strength to call bullshit on the fears, reclaiming our power to act IN SPITE OF our fear.
As individual women, we are so strong, but when we come together, our powers multiply a thousand-fold. In the presence of kindred women, we become mirrors for each other, reflecting back our mutual magnificence.
There's something so empowering about spending time with women, just being REAL.
Whether virtually or in person, when we let our guards down, we naturally create a safe place for one another- a judgement-free zone. A place to explore what’s in our hearts, and push past the fears and limitations we’ve come to believe are part of our identity- The limits that have kept us hiding behind our fears for far too long.
When we unite at GritChicks Retreats, we always come away with so much more than precious memories of outdoor adventures. The power of the female spirit is never more evident than when women come together to support each other and explore what’s in our hearts.
When we unite as a tribe, in power and love, we see the limits for the illusions they are.
When we come unite as a tribe, in power and love, we see the limits for the illusions they are.
And once we see through the illusions, we can release their power over us, and feel our passion burning again- the fire that has always been there, waiting patiently for us to remember.
Honoring our own needs and allowing our passion to be EXACTLY AS IT IS...
without trying to make it into what we think others expect it to be...
without believing that we are selfish for prioritizing ourselves...
THAT is when we begin to feel the full power of the fire inside us. And once we feel that blazing fire, not even we can stop it from burning.
If someone popped into your head as you read this, she might need a reminder. Please share it with her. And please know that I am here to support you in any way I can. Together we are fierce.
To your fire, my Sister,
Xx Jen